fredag 8 november 2013

Something different

Finished a frame this evening that have been in my mind since past midsummer. The frame was built in July, I have known all along which fly  I wanted to frame so I have been looking for a suitable background picture and a few weeks ago I finally found it, my buddy Per -Anders Nilsson posted a picture on Facebook of a really nice caddis so I asked him and luckily he let me borrow the picture for a couple of frames.

 The frame is not a boxframe from the beginning, it was hard to find a nice frame so I gave up and bought a nice frame that remade as a boxframe. Some work but totally worth it.

I decided to make two similar flies and position them in different poses and directions to make the fly as visible as possible.

A close-up on one of the flies, my Streaking Quill off course tied on a sexy Partridge SLD. This fly started me up as a flytyer, has since it´s birth been a dear friend of mine.

I made 2 frames this evening to see how my idea would work, I´m pretty satisfied and have decided that I will make 10 of them no more, no less.. So now I need to get my but away to buy some wood:-)

Over and out

söndag 3 november 2013

Halloween tying

Swapping flies is something I strongly recomend all tyers out there to take part in. It´s a great opputunity for you to evolve as a tyer. One thing though.. dont wait too long to take the time to sit down and actually tie the flies, to many times I have signed up for swaps and managend to get in trouble and have to sit fo a whole day and tie swapflies. Today was one of those Days...

First 14 flies for a midgeswap, and then 8 flies for a wetflyswap... Well now  I´m almost done by now..

For the Classic wetflyswap I wa supposed to tie the Butcher, but to honour Halloween, I tied the Bloody Butcher instaed.
Over and out