So what does he now talk about, well as much as I love when the winter goes away and the spring comes with all it´s expectasions and possibilities, I also love the fact that it disapears and goes into a new shape, the fall. The fall to me is one of the most beautifull of seasons, with all its colours. Love how the season changes mother nature. Another thing is the possibility of sitting inside in the kitchen tying flies again, without the neighbours thinking that i´m crazy or not sitting inside.
This September I and a couple of friends went ti Idsjöströmmen for a nice fishing weekend, that´s another thing with the fall, the Grayling fishing. I usually take this trip to Idsöströmmen every fall, I love fishing for Grayling this period of the year, no mosquitos and a lot more time to relax and enjoy the companionship with your frinds. We didn´t have as good fishing this year as we usually do but we had a really nice time, loads of really top notch food, wine and all the stuff needed for a great time away.
Here is me catching a nice grayling in Idsjöströmmen, the photo is taken by my friend Ulf Hagström. We´ll se if there will be a fall trip to this place next year, unfortunatly it has become so very popular that it´s hard to make a reservation. Othervise we need to look for somthing else as cancelling the fallfishing isnt´an option.
The Grayling Steel Blue has been my number one fly this fall. I put it together last fall for the fishing in Idsjöströmmen and I have had some really nice fishing with it, both there and at other places. Fun to tie, nice to look at and it catches fish, what more can I ask for.
The fall has also given me som time to tie some other flies. A fly that I love to tie and fish is the Royal Coachman Fanwing, i havnt given it that much time this year so I sat down and tied a batch, just for fun... and I loved it, so this winter I need to make a batch for next seasons box
It passes more and more time betwen me posting my thoughts on this blog. It´s alot of work keeping a blog running the way I want and there is not that many intrested, people are more intrested in facebook nowdays? Well we´ll se what happens I have startted to help out a Swedish flyfishing magazine, Flugfiske I Norden. I have actually had three published articles this year, a fact that I am very proud off. It might be so that I will put this blog into sleep and start blogging on the magazines homepage, in Swedish.
A Flytyers quest of giving the flytyers and flyfishers of today and tomorow a chance not to forget about the Amazing heritage from the past.
lördag 27 oktober 2012
söndag 26 augusti 2012
Spider Mode
With an upcoming fishing trip to Idsjöströmmen, Jämtland just two weeks from now it´s time to start to tie some flies for it. Last year around the same time I had nice sihing with a fly that now taken a certain place in my box, the Steel Blue Quill, today I made 12 of these buggers in an more olive tone than usuall. With that new Polish Quill dyed quill I thought it need a new name so welcome to my box, Gim River Spider. Gim River is the water from where it evolved.
Gim River Spider
My friend Jonas Hagborg from Dalarna told me this summer (with a smile) when we meet "a small white spider would make a revolution within flyfishing". I used White Pearsalls silk thread and the lower part of a feather from a white hen, the lower part of the feather because I thought it felt slightly softer than the upper part. Jonas, a few samples will soon be on it´s way..
White Midge Spider
Finally a fly that I have read about loads of thime but never tied or tried on my leader. The Tups Indespenible, got some dubbing from a dear friend an a hell of a flytyer, Mr Geoff Littler (thanks Tuppsy) I tied it like a Spider as I was in a Spider Mode..
Tups Spider
It was a long time ago I tied this many flies in one day :-) I actually made over 50 flies.. Well they will be needed at upcoming demos and for fishing..
Back to the vise..
Gim River Spider
My friend Jonas Hagborg from Dalarna told me this summer (with a smile) when we meet "a small white spider would make a revolution within flyfishing". I used White Pearsalls silk thread and the lower part of a feather from a white hen, the lower part of the feather because I thought it felt slightly softer than the upper part. Jonas, a few samples will soon be on it´s way..
White Midge Spider
Finally a fly that I have read about loads of thime but never tied or tried on my leader. The Tups Indespenible, got some dubbing from a dear friend an a hell of a flytyer, Mr Geoff Littler (thanks Tuppsy) I tied it like a Spider as I was in a Spider Mode..
Tups Spider
It was a long time ago I tied this many flies in one day :-) I actually made over 50 flies.. Well they will be needed at upcoming demos and for fishing..
Back to the vise..
måndag 16 juli 2012
The fly Irresistible was a frequently fly tied by Harry and Elsie Darbee. The fly is one of the Darbee´s deadly dozen. In the book Catskill Flytier you can read that the fly was originated by Joe Messinger. It got it´s name throug that Joe sent a fly to Ken Lockwod in the hospital, Ken, an outdoor columnist, said, "I haven´t used this one, but it sure looks irresistible." So through that it got it´s name.
Tail: Dark deer hair from body of white-tail deer.
Body: Dark grey clipped deer body hair.
Wings: From body of white-tail deer same color as tail.
Hackle: Dark rusty dun cock hackles
Hook: Sizes 10 to 14.
I have now during a couple of days worked pretty hard with tying der hair bodied flies. While doing them the biggest issue was getting a decent wing. Tried to do the wing first than the body, nope, didn´t like that. My major problem was offcourse while working with the hairwings as the tend to "bulk" a little behind the wing messing up the body slightly. I learned that I could repair the mess I made by taking a few strands of deer hair on the damaged area and tie it in on that spot. The one on this picture is one of the repaired ones, above just behind the wing... just some reflections...
A funny thing about tying the batch of Irresistbles. I tied a batch yesterday took pictures etc.. started to write on a forum about te fly and then it struck me.. after five flies that were supposed to be according to Darbee´s Catskill flytier.. I had mixed the recepies.. so I had tied it with wrong wingmaterial, I used calftail instead of dark deer hair. So now I have to throw the ones with the wrong wingmateral away :? .. kidding offcourse they will be used on wednsday and hopefully they will show me the way to a decent trout.
Over and out
lördag 14 juli 2012
Rat Faced McDougall
When visiting British flyfair a couple of years ago a bought a book by Harry Darby -Catskill Flytier. Harry Darbee are one of those guys responisble to that we today have something called the Catskill style dry flies. In his book he has a list of flies "Darbees deadly dozen", among these we find soem Deer hair bodied dry flise which were one of Harry and Elsies trademark. I have tried to tie the Rat faced McDougall before in my early days, not very succesfull though, it was before I got the proper material etc. Last week I finally got my sticky ones on one of those Deer hair packers, so now it was time to try it out properly.
As with all old flies there is a story, I love those. In this case I found about how this fly got it´s name, found it in the book offcourse.
"As I was ting up an order of Bastards late one evening in the summer om 1939, Percy Jennings a amateur flytier from Cold Spring Harbor. Known among anglers for the time he cought a 3,5 pound brown on a backcast, came by our house. He looked down at my vise and asked why I didn´t tie the same fly on a smaller hook. He thought it would work better for the local trout population. I said, "why dont you do it" So he did, and it was while Percy was tying one of these that a young friend of his daughter, Mary Dimock came by. She saw the fly and said "Boy that´s got personality."Percy, knowing that the fly had a troublesome name among our more gentle fly-casting friends, rose to the chance and challenged Mary to give it a name. She was up to the chalenge, saying, "I think it´s a Rat Faced McDougal." And so the fly was dubbed."
-Catskill Flytier Harry Darbee with Mac Francis
Rat Faced McDougall -Original pattern
Tail: Ginger Cock Hackle fibers
Body: Cliped tannish-grey deer hair
Wings: Cream grizzly hackle tips
Hackle: Ginger cock
This is one of these flies you dont want too loose in your first backcast, it takes a while to get it proper. I fisrt tie in the tail, then the body in two portions. Then Istart the cliping, which takes a while, and dont forget to watch that tail, you dont want to clip that off. Well, I´m quite satisfied with this one. Now let see if Percy Jennings was right about it´s "troutability".
As with all old flies there is a story, I love those. In this case I found about how this fly got it´s name, found it in the book offcourse.
"As I was ting up an order of Bastards late one evening in the summer om 1939, Percy Jennings a amateur flytier from Cold Spring Harbor. Known among anglers for the time he cought a 3,5 pound brown on a backcast, came by our house. He looked down at my vise and asked why I didn´t tie the same fly on a smaller hook. He thought it would work better for the local trout population. I said, "why dont you do it" So he did, and it was while Percy was tying one of these that a young friend of his daughter, Mary Dimock came by. She saw the fly and said "Boy that´s got personality."Percy, knowing that the fly had a troublesome name among our more gentle fly-casting friends, rose to the chance and challenged Mary to give it a name. She was up to the chalenge, saying, "I think it´s a Rat Faced McDougal." And so the fly was dubbed."
-Catskill Flytier Harry Darbee with Mac Francis
Rat Faced McDougall -Original pattern
Tail: Ginger Cock Hackle fibers
Body: Cliped tannish-grey deer hair
Wings: Cream grizzly hackle tips
Hackle: Ginger cock
This is one of these flies you dont want too loose in your first backcast, it takes a while to get it proper. I fisrt tie in the tail, then the body in two portions. Then Istart the cliping, which takes a while, and dont forget to watch that tail, you dont want to clip that off. Well, I´m quite satisfied with this one. Now let see if Percy Jennings was right about it´s "troutability".
torsdag 28 juni 2012
Mojo Night
Sometimes i get a great urge for some tying, and tonight it came to me . I used the mojo to make som "promised to friends flies". I made a batch of Catskill dry flies for my friend Martin Stout, a great tyer that recently discovered the magic behind the gems from the charmed circle of the Catskills The other part of the batch goes to another friend Mikael Larsson a fantastic photographer and charcoal artist, with some luck he will find some time to draw my Catskill dry fly patterns. I will keep the chubby ones crossed.
Atherton No:5
Quill Gordon
Over and out
Atherton No:5
Quill Gordon
Red Quill
ConoverOver and out
onsdag 20 juni 2012
Great Feathers
Great Feathers in this case is a company truly worth it´s name. I try not to mix up my writing too much with making advertisement for my suppliers etc.. but.. This time I really feel that I need to make an exception. I meet David one of the staff members in Somerset for the International tying symposium, Great Feathers had a both there just beside where Iand the other Vikings were tying. We got in contact when I helped one of their customers to find som decent stuff for some serious Spider tying. Since then I have been in contact with David a couple of times. First time was when I needed a nice black hen cape, David sent me nice pictures and gave med lots of time over mail until I finaly decided. Next stop just the other day, I am in need of a Coachman Brown cape, I think David must have given me at least an hour of his precious time just to get me lie 15 pictures so I could make a decision. Wow, this is what I call a salesman, it wasnt excactly what I was looking for but I will order it anyway, I loved the colour, and as you other tyers know, we cant get enough of the gadgets...
Great Feathers sells loads of different feathers, they got Partridges and othe gamebird skins from Cookshill in Enland, capes from Bobs and Collins and loads of other stuff...
Check them out They have their own forum aswell, I think I will try that for a while, there are some serious tyers on that forum.
Ps.. nope I didnt´get paid for this!
Great Feathers sells loads of different feathers, they got Partridges and othe gamebird skins from Cookshill in Enland, capes from Bobs and Collins and loads of other stuff...
Check them out They have their own forum aswell, I think I will try that for a while, there are some serious tyers on that forum.
Ps.. nope I didnt´get paid for this!
fredag 8 juni 2012
Life is about more than just flytying...
... some times we need to let the vise take a rest, why not try some fishing. My friend Gunnar from the fishing club and I have for a long time talked about that I should follow him to his secret grayling place in Gysinge. I have never really belived that it was possible to catch nice grayling this far south.. I was wrong...
Gysinge is an old industrial town, loads of history, nice buildings and surroundings. The area around Gysinge is a big nature reserve with loads of different animals and nice forrests. For the fisherman Gysinge can provide loads of different fishing, Pike, Perch, Sander, trout, Grayling are proborably the most interesting species to try your luck on... enough advertising :-)
To reach Gunnars special place we needed to take the boat, the stream was between two islands. The water was a little high but as I heard a vise man say "the fish like water". Gunnar told me that the dryfly would proborably not give me any strikes, for some reason this particular stream very seldom give you a fish on the dryfly. Offcourse Iddint believe him, tried a Royal Wulff, maybe 20 minutes. Then I decided to listen to my guide, tied a small quillbodied beadhead. First cast gave me a nice little grayling, maybe 35 cm. During the 3 hours we were fishing I caught 4 grayling around 35 cm and on just over 40 m.
Offcourse we also found some time to sit in the boat enjoying a nice cigarr and a cup of coffee. I never thought a place under 50 minutes from my home could provide fishing this nice. Thanks Gunnar, I had a really nice time....
Gysinge is an old industrial town, loads of history, nice buildings and surroundings. The area around Gysinge is a big nature reserve with loads of different animals and nice forrests. For the fisherman Gysinge can provide loads of different fishing, Pike, Perch, Sander, trout, Grayling are proborably the most interesting species to try your luck on... enough advertising :-)
To reach Gunnars special place we needed to take the boat, the stream was between two islands. The water was a little high but as I heard a vise man say "the fish like water". Gunnar told me that the dryfly would proborably not give me any strikes, for some reason this particular stream very seldom give you a fish on the dryfly. Offcourse Iddint believe him, tried a Royal Wulff, maybe 20 minutes. Then I decided to listen to my guide, tied a small quillbodied beadhead. First cast gave me a nice little grayling, maybe 35 cm. During the 3 hours we were fishing I caught 4 grayling around 35 cm and on just over 40 m.
Offcourse we also found some time to sit in the boat enjoying a nice cigarr and a cup of coffee. I never thought a place under 50 minutes from my home could provide fishing this nice. Thanks Gunnar, I had a really nice time....
tisdag 5 juni 2012
Atherton flies
Godmorning to you all..
The last couple of weeks has actually given me time to tie some flies. After I spent some time on my friend David´s blog reading about John Atherton and his flies I couldnt bringing out the vise, thank´s David. David ties a really mean dry fly and is very devoted to th the Catskill Style Dry flies, keep it up David.
I will get back later with more of theses flies, I did offcourse order the Atherton´s book, The Fly and the Fish. I have decided that I will try to dig a little deeper in to Atherton as a person and a flytier. Atherton is quite interesting he was a wellknown artist in the states, published a lot of covers for papers and posters for events etc
Now I am offcourse more interested in the flies but the thing is that the flies and his feeling for art is connected. Atherton was very keen on getting his flies "impresionitic" he meant that the bugs we are imitating was built up by different colours. To imitat this he worked with mixing up the dubbing for the flies to get the colours that he wanted. But more about that later when I have read the book, hopefully it will come soon :-)
I did try the Atherton No:5 which is the most common one. The fly is supposed to have oval tinsel, i didn´t have that so I used flat tinsel which offcourse doesnt give the fly the same chareteristics but let put this one in the practice category.
The last couple of weeks has actually given me time to tie some flies. After I spent some time on my friend David´s blog reading about John Atherton and his flies I couldnt bringing out the vise, thank´s David. David ties a really mean dry fly and is very devoted to th the Catskill Style Dry flies, keep it up David.
I will get back later with more of theses flies, I did offcourse order the Atherton´s book, The Fly and the Fish. I have decided that I will try to dig a little deeper in to Atherton as a person and a flytier. Atherton is quite interesting he was a wellknown artist in the states, published a lot of covers for papers and posters for events etc
Now I am offcourse more interested in the flies but the thing is that the flies and his feeling for art is connected. Atherton was very keen on getting his flies "impresionitic" he meant that the bugs we are imitating was built up by different colours. To imitat this he worked with mixing up the dubbing for the flies to get the colours that he wanted. But more about that later when I have read the book, hopefully it will come soon :-)
I did try the Atherton No:5 which is the most common one. The fly is supposed to have oval tinsel, i didn´t have that so I used flat tinsel which offcourse doesnt give the fly the same chareteristics but let put this one in the practice category.
Over and out...
lördag 26 maj 2012
Here we go again
Finally.. Last weekend was the start of small stream fishing 2012. We took a day off and decided to make it a longweekend in Dalarna, see my fiances folks and my fiance went to a Gardenfair. Well I nearly didnt manage to get out off the car before I got into my waders. I decided to see how my little favourite stream looked after the winter. I decided to take it a little easy just to get into the right moode. So I took a cup of tea and a nice Backwood Honey berry cigar, sat down and just enjoyed the outdoors.
The stream was beautifull, not many bugs in the air because of the temperature but I saw some rises. Got two smaller Grayling on a Streaking Quill, a quill bodied Muddlerpattern. Later I got two nicer Grayling on a old goodie, a wet Wickhams Fancy.
Now I feel the urge of fishing in every part of my body, I am amazed over the fact that I managed to survive the winter without fishing. As you all now time goes to fast when we are out fishing, I stayed out until the darkness came.
As I have a very understanding fiance I went fishing on the sunday aswell. I am a proud member of Lungsjöån Borrsjöån Flyfishing club, the club had an event on the sunday so I went there got 2 really nice trouts both showed me their best sides. We gathered for some bbq by the stream and had a really nice time. Offcourse I had the tying gear with me and showed the guys some of the patterns I use in this river, The Frey Fox Variant, a Quill Gordon and a little Spider.

We had a nice day but unfortunatly the day passed to quickly. Thanks Jonas..
The stream was beautifull, not many bugs in the air because of the temperature but I saw some rises. Got two smaller Grayling on a Streaking Quill, a quill bodied Muddlerpattern. Later I got two nicer Grayling on a old goodie, a wet Wickhams Fancy.
Now I feel the urge of fishing in every part of my body, I am amazed over the fact that I managed to survive the winter without fishing. As you all now time goes to fast when we are out fishing, I stayed out until the darkness came.
As I have a very understanding fiance I went fishing on the sunday aswell. I am a proud member of Lungsjöån Borrsjöån Flyfishing club, the club had an event on the sunday so I went there got 2 really nice trouts both showed me their best sides. We gathered for some bbq by the stream and had a really nice time. Offcourse I had the tying gear with me and showed the guys some of the patterns I use in this river, The Frey Fox Variant, a Quill Gordon and a little Spider.

We had a nice day but unfortunatly the day passed to quickly. Thanks Jonas..
söndag 4 mars 2012
Steel Blue Quill
Evening...When I was away fishing last autumn in Idsjöströmmen I put together a spider pattern to match some thoughts gathered during my fishing. I have a favoutite autumn dry pattern for the graylings, "The Grayling Steel Blue" I came to the conclusion that I wanted a similar fly but a fly that was in the surface instead of on the surface. So I made a Spider and took the colours from The Grayling Steel Blue, the fly worked really well.
One of the backsides with tying quill flies is to obtain quills. Making your own can take some time, when youré tying fishingflies you dont want to mess with making your own quills. my friend Leon Links introduced me to Polish Quills, prestripped quills in different colours. The Quality and the colours are amazing, so from now on no more stripping quills, atleast for my fishingflies...
One of the backsides with tying quill flies is to obtain quills. Making your own can take some time, when youré tying fishingflies you dont want to mess with making your own quills. my friend Leon Links introduced me to Polish Quills, prestripped quills in different colours. The Quality and the colours are amazing, so from now on no more stripping quills, atleast for my fishingflies...
lördag 25 februari 2012
Dear blogg readers..
Some of the best times as a flytier is those times when you sit and play with different materials. From time to time you find the most lovely cominations of colours and different materials. A while ago I found Pearsalls 6B which I have looked for a long time, actually I found it on woodenspools. Really nice and authentic, well anyway... And when I cleaned out my box of mixed feathers I found some really nice Golden Plover feathers. So I added those and the Pearsalls 6b and came out with this..
I really love tying this kind of flies, lokking forward to try them out this spring. With a sunny day like today the spring feels closer than for a long time. I really feel that the winter ought to be over now.
Some of the best times as a flytier is those times when you sit and play with different materials. From time to time you find the most lovely cominations of colours and different materials. A while ago I found Pearsalls 6B which I have looked for a long time, actually I found it on woodenspools. Really nice and authentic, well anyway... And when I cleaned out my box of mixed feathers I found some really nice Golden Plover feathers. So I added those and the Pearsalls 6b and came out with this..
I really love tying this kind of flies, lokking forward to try them out this spring. With a sunny day like today the spring feels closer than for a long time. I really feel that the winter ought to be over now.
söndag 19 februari 2012
Low activity
There havn´t been much activity on the blog during some time now, a long time. Well I have had som other priorities, lots of work and some projects at home. We have made some renovations on our house, at the moment we are working on getting a new kitchen. Hopefully all will be done within a month or so. I have done some article work together with my friend Leon Links, we had a great piece about the Quill Gordon published in a Swedish magazin "Flugfiske i Norden", I was really pleased with the article, Leon is a great mentor in making articles. We recently finished a second article about Red Quill & Hendrickson that also will be published in the same magazine. Also made an article on my own about the Stewart Black Spider that hopefully will be published later this year... So I havent been lazy..
I will soon start writing on the blog again..
Until then, here´s a picture taken by my good friend Bruce Corwin. The picture is of Mary Dette holding my fly that I made as a tribute to her.. Do I need to tell you that I am prod of having my fly in her hand?
I will soon start writing on the blog again..
Until then, here´s a picture taken by my good friend Bruce Corwin. The picture is of Mary Dette holding my fly that I made as a tribute to her.. Do I need to tell you that I am prod of having my fly in her hand?
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